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Wine Sophie Thorpe Wine Sophie Thorpe

The myth and mystery of terroir

I’ve been thinking a lot about terroir recently. We are so drilled in the world of fine wine into preaching the power of site – but is it really everything we’ve cracked it up to be? Or are we inadvertently the terroir hype squad?

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Food, Wine Sophie Thorpe Food, Wine Sophie Thorpe

A long overdue round-up

Blogs were built to be badly managed - and so I have lived up to the expectation with a rather embarrassing two-year lull. Here's a quick(ish) look at almost everything that I've penned in that time.

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Wine Wine

Down the rabbit hole: going native

There is no shortage of things that fill me with rage each week (or – if I’m totally honest – day). Most flutter away after a few hours, a G&T or just a bit of distance. But one comment has been going round and round in my mind.

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Wine Sophie Thorpe Wine Sophie Thorpe

Woke wine

It’s all too easy, when your head is in the 9-to-5, to feel an unnecessary sense of urgency. It’s wine, after all; and even then, it’s writing about wine.

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Wine Sophie Thorpe Wine Sophie Thorpe

Drunk, but not forgot

There isn't enough time to dedicate a feature to every delicious bottle uncorked, so – in lieu of that endeavour – here is a soon-to-be-regular round-up of the producers and wines that have lingered in my memory most over the last month

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