A long overdue round-up

Blogs were built to be badly managed - and so I have lived up to the expectation with a rather embarrassing two-year lull. Here's a quick(ish) look at almost everything that I've penned in that time.

Talking shop

Interviewing might look a little different these days, with a rapport dependent on the strength of the WiFi connection, but nevertheless it hasn't stopped me being able to speak to some wonderful people in the world of wine.

Tasting notes

Two years' worth of jottings on a host of brilliant bottles spans the globe:

Looking beneath the surface

A constant theme throughout is the challenge of climate change, and how winemakers can take on the growing threat, as well as limiting the impact they have. I spoke to a number of California's top winemakers to find out what they're doing (a shorter summary of which you can find here), and more recently examined the issue in Burgundy - where with the delicacy of Pinot Noir and recent warm conditions, the situation feels increasingly tangible and ominous. I also penned a guide to the lingo around sustainability, with a quick run-down of the differences between organics, biodynamics, natural and more - including what they actually mean, if anything, for the wine in your glass.

Something stronger

Just occasionally I drift into the world of spirits:

Under the knife

Remember restaurants? Lovely places where people bring you wonderful plates of food and delicious drinks in exchange for dosh? A very long time ago, I visited some stellar places in the name of "work": Bright, Levan, and the now-shut Emile were particular highlights (although crossed fingers for a permanent home for the team from the latter in the wake of Covid). Add the former two to your post-lockdown wish-list.

Other things

I'm still dreaming of Margaret River - in fact, three years ago today I was at Pierro learning how to run and clean the press. I wrote up a guide - should you ever be in the hood, here are some tips, mainly on what to eat and drink


The myth and mystery of terroir


The view from the Hills