Round-up time
The Spring/Summer 2017 issue of No.3, edited by me
Sheesh, how did it get to July? This blog has been long-neglected, so it's time for an update on all that's been in the four or so months gone-by.
Most recently, I'm still wanging on about California: here's an overview for the uninitiated on why the Golden State is hot property for hip sommeliers right now – looking at how it got to where it is today. There are plenty of exciting wines that didn't make it into the piece for one reason or another. Here are a few producers and bottles that should be on your radar: RPM Gamay, A Tribute to Grace Grenache (any of the different cuvées), Broc Cellars (a recent bottle of their 2014 Valdiguié was particularly pleasing), Matthiasson, Failla, Wind Gap, Domaine de la Côte Pinot, Sandhi... it's fair to say I'm addicted. But you should be too.
It's been a pretty great year for me so far. Although it's been hectic and busy (Berry Bros. & Rudd's stunner of a new shop at 63 Pall Mall certainly drained some of my time), I've been fortunate enough to have my writing acknowledged by people who seem to know about these things. Back in April I made it onto the long list for the Wine Writing Competition, seeing a couple of my pieces published to a broader audience than ever before. (Fortunately no trolling yet.) It was even more of a treat to receive an honourable mention when the final shortlist was selected. There are some great writers on that list, and I felt in good company. (Joss Fowler's brilliantly un-grown-up, grown-up blog, Vinolent, is well worth a read.)
The luck seems to have continued, and last week my name made it onto the shortlist for the Emerging Writer of 2017 in the Louis Roederer International Wine Writer Awards. Worst case scenario, I'm looking forward to a glass or two of the outrageously delicious Brut Premier at the awards in September. A good friend of mine, the entirely dishonourable HoseMaster of Wine has been shortlisted for the second year in a row – you should check out his scathing pieces too.
And what else in terms of the doing, rather than basking in under-the-radar glory?
I've snuck in a couple more restaurant reviews under the guise of "work": Rochelle Canteen – the BYO to end all BYOs (and one that is rumoured to be applying for a licence, so rush there now); and Plot, a bizarre little spot in Tooting that serves bloody good food and bloody good prices. What more do you want?
I also had the chance to talk to The Telegraph's wine columnist Victoria Moore about her new book, The Wine Dine Dictionary. I really didn't expect to like it (and sort of hoped I wouldn't), but my copy is already looking rather well thumbed.
In editing news, the Spring/Summer 2017 issue of No.3, Berry Bros. & Rudd's biannual publication is out. You'll find my name alongside the Editor's letter and can unfortunately blame any typos on me. I interviewed the legend that is Dukes's very own Alessandro Palazzi for the sidebar to this feature, which may or may not have ended in a stiff drink. You can pick up a copy at one of Berry Bros. & Rudd's shops, or I'd be happy to pop one in the post for you – just send me a message.
I also cast my beady over the latest issue of Noble Rot before it made its way to print. By far the most enjoyable wine magazine out there – for any level of knowledge – it's perfect Sunday brunch reading. Bloody Mary optional.