The 67 Pall Mall Global Wine Communicator Awards 2024
The team at 67 Pall Mall has announced the short-list for the first iteration of their new Global Wine Communicator Awards. I’d made the long-list for both Long-Form and Short-Form Writing, and now know that I have made it onto the short-list for Short-Form Writing! It’s an honour to be one of the five brilliant finalists.
The full short-list for the inaugural 2024 awards can be found on their site (for now, at least), but in the short-form writing category, I’m in exceedingly good company:
Matt Walls for Scents of place and The importance of drinking windows over scores
Tom Hewson for Bad language and Do it the hard way
Nick Ryan for The curious congruity of Krug in a beer glass in a pub and Steve Smith, Cyclone Gabrielle, and the fabric of New Zealand wine
Henry Jeffreys for Labelled with love and The colourful world of English winemakers
You can read the pieces that I’m short-listed for here:
The bar that sparked a revolution: 10 years of Sager + Wilde (and if that’s of interest, there’s some sneaky bonus content here too)
The winners are set to be announced in September.